Ruffian Rumble - Update 17 May 2024

A few small updates now that I've seen a few more games:

  • Sometime clients would take more than the 3s countdown to establish the connection to the server; this would cause the game to start with a player disconnected and that player would see extreme rubberbanding as their client caught up once the connection was made.  Now the server will pause the game until it has confirmed that all clients are connected (or will discard the game if a client remains disconnected after 30s).
  • The "Reversal" powerup is boring especially in the 1v1 matchup where you can't do anything but run away while it is active (and is also confusing for new players).  It has been removed and replaced with "Athletic" which provides a general boost to walking acceleration and initial horizontal jump velocity.  Without the "Reversal" powerup skewing things, powerup duration has been increased to 20s.
  • The "Office" map has been tweaked to remove places where a player could wait relatively safely.  The hanging planter has been replaced with a shelf one tile lower removing the 1-high passage.  The table on the bottom floor has been moved away from the wall to provide another way to attack a player under it.
  • Fixed a bug where scores were displayed for inactive players.
  • Fixed a bug where maps were not randomized correctly.

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